First off a great way to get involved is call the LGBTQI center near you possibly on your campus (you don't have to be a student to be involved at the university LGBTQI activities). I've seen GSA, GLBU, Pride Center, Q Youth, LGBT Unite, and other similar names so just look for those. Search for a Gay And Lesbian Alliance Center in your city or nearest big city if you have no luck in your city. Those centers will usually have a connection to every "Queer group" around the area. So whether your trans, gay, bi, lesbian, questioning, or intersex, you will find a group for you.
Once you find these groups start attending! I'd say 95% of the GALA Centers and their smaller organizations within get state and local funding to support them and the more attendance they have the more funding they'll have in the future. I've attended a few groups that I didn't exactly completely connect with or enjoy going to but the one thing that could keep me going is 1) I'd always make at least 1 or 2 friends. 2) They generally involve free food and beverages. And 3) These groups lead to other connections that will help you strive as an individual.
Another way to get involved is to actually volunteer at your local GALA, ASN (Aids Support Network), Pride Center, or any other LGBTQI non-profit organization. Most of these organizations are kept alive purely by volunteers. And you can do things from just sit there and answer phones (which is great for students who have homework because you can bring your homework with you and answer the phone every once in a while) or you can man phone banks when there are important issues around (like prop 8) or even get involved in leadership for certain groups.
One group I've been a part of is called Fusion and it is in San Luis Obispo, CA. That group has helped me to make some amazing life long friends, make a difference in my community, grow as an individual, and let loose and have a lot of fun! If you are in your 20's then this is the best time to get involved because you will have an amazing time doing it!
I hope these few basic instructions help you guys get involved and if you have any issues finding a center in your area and are interested in getting involved or maybe want to hear about other ways feel free to email me at and I'd love to help you out!